Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Val, in time.

 So, that's my customary February 14th greeting. It sort of goes along with this...

... as a more inclusive pushback to the traditional narrative surrounding the day. It seems that a lot of folks at my college must feel the same way, because the amicable gift-giving was impressive:

That's the pile of goodies that showed up as the day progressed: friendly colleagues and collegial friends expressing goodwill through flowering plants and sugary snacks (although that plate includes a heart-shaped bagel for the more savory palate).

A day that celebrates widespread kindness - now that's a holiday to celebrate.

Of course, that doesn't mean we need to abandon all the iconography... let's just re-purpose it.

(That's pre-Munsters Yvonne DeCarlo, btw.)
Happy Pal-entine's Day to you all! And just so the pun in the title makes sense: