So, I was looking at some old posts and saw that in a post from June 26 reflecting on the first 100 days of life under the pandemic, I signed off by saying "I can do another hundred days easy."
Well, by my reckoning it's now been 256 days and things show no sign of changing.
Today, instead of heading up to Canada and going to Chau Veggie for a holiday outing, we merely drove to an area lake for a nature walk and got takeaway from our favorite Vietnamese place on the way back. As we were returning to the parking area and passed a masked family coming in the other direction to begin their hike, we heard the father day to his daughter, "Remember, when we meet other people, you have to pick a side and stay away." And the Vietnamese place once again has a barrier across the entry and no indoor seating, as we head back into stricter standards in an attempt to control infections.
That's life under Covid, heading into the ninth month, full steam ahead. The new normal. The now-normal.
Still not a burden, not really. Work goes on, school goes on, walks go on, binging Netflix-AmazonPrime-CBSAllAccess-HBOMax goes on, life goes on. If I have to telecommute full-time and have to skip browsing Value Village and have to play D&D on Roll20 and have to socialize by Zoom for a while, I can do that. On my head. Other people have it a lot harder.
Let's all do the right thing so we can get this done, and nobody has to bear any kind of burden at all, or get sick unnecessarily, or die.
I don't know if I have posted this before, but I wanted to do some drawing this long weekend, and it just feels like this:
So, I can remember drinking this when I was a kid. You had to be real careful, or it would foam all over the table...
Speaking of 2005, this little snippet put me in mind of this post from 15 years ago.
So, let's continue our counting down the days. It may be a while before we're free of the coronavirus, but we may soon shed a different loathsome disease.
Six-two-and-even, over and out.