Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Friday, August 16, 2019

Two-lane blacktop

So, the other week Coco and I drove across the state to Spokane to visit some great and good friends. Instead of taking the interstate, we went by way of the North Cascades Scenic Highway, generally state route 20, which runs through a beautiful mountain pass, goes through some lovely recreation spots, passes by Grand Coulee Dam, and really doesn't take much longer.

It's a pretty grand dam, all right.

As we were driving along on the east side of the mountains, I noticed that there was an extremely straight and long stretch of road coming up - somewhere around Davenport - and I have to tell you that in the generally hilly coastal landscape of the Pacific Northwest (my part, anyway), it was a bit of trip driving for so long without turning the steering wheel an inch. It was such a deal that I just had to share it with you.



Richard said...

It's your own personal version of Penn and Teller's Desert Bus!

Walaka of Earth 2 said...

Yes! But my car doesn't pull to the right.

Good to hear from you, my friend.