Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Dusty Strings


So, one of the things that was going to fill my currently lightly-encumbered schedule was my getting back to more regular ukulele practice. This has been slowed down somewhat of late. 

First, my broken thumb incident of last year put the kibosh on any fingering for some time. Once that acute phase was over, I still had my chronic thumb pain (I think it's De Quervain's tenosynovitis, a kind of tendonitis), which made it hard to hold the uke and to change finger positions. I bought a strap to help hold the uke up, hoping that would take some of the pressure off my thumb so I could concentrate just on the fingering. Unfortunately, before I tested the system much, this happened:

Welp, I sliced off a little bit of my left index finger and even shaved some of the nail off with it. That's what I get for using a kitchen knife that was actually, like, sharp, unlike the knapped flint blades that usually pass for cutlery in our house. Anyway, it's healing nicely and all that, but it pretty much puts the ukulele on hold for the time being. And when I do get back, it might be time for a little Django Rhinehardt.

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