Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


So, that was the holiday weekend, eh? Problematic to begin with and this one was even tragic. I wish I could say something besides 'so it goes', but really, does anyone expect anything to change?  I do notice fewer instances if politicians using the rightly and resoundingly mocked "thoughts and prayers" phrase, although it hasn't been replaced by anything more substantive.

Bleak as it was, I was using this holiday as landmark on life's journey. You see, June 30 was the expiration of my contract as Interim President at BTC, and the time beyond that was always indeterminate. Continue in the role? Return to my old Veep position? Retire?

Well, there was a curve in the road, as there sometimes is, and it led to door number three, ish, just a couple months early. Although I have taken a detour not on the map, life beyond the threshold has settled into a good rhythm, one that is both satisfying in the present and leading toward some specific things in the future (ah, there's that roadmap again). There are enough irons in the fire to keep things interesting, but I have to say I have enjoyed shedding the cloak of leadership and thinking more about cartoon panels and less about college budgets.

Speaking of iron and fires, here's a little thing that's going on now - I think the current term is "side hustle". This is an enterprise that Coco and I have talked about ever since her massage practice days in Seattle. Just a toe in the water...

Sidecar Business Services

Still a little bit of work to be done, but I think it will keep me out of trouble as I continue down the road.


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