Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Thursday, November 26, 2020

It's Thursday


(No brand endorsement implied, I just really like the cleavering)

So, it's Thanksgiving, or as we call it in this house, Thursday off. Lots of reasons it is a problematic day: political, historical, dietary, and so forth - but I am not wanting to diatribe today.

As I have said before, it is a good thing, separate from any particular myth, to take a moment to be mindfully grateful for what we have. The annus horribilis that was 2020 doesn't seem at first glance to be fertile ground for reaping thanks, but really there's some good stuff in there.

Neither Coco nor I actually suffered directly from Covid-19, in the sense of becoming ill from coronavirus.

Both Coco and I kept our jobs, working remotely, and suffered no financial hits from the pandemic.

We have a home situation that includes two separate offices, so while we were working remotely those ten or so hours a day, we weren't on top of each other.

We live in an area where it is possible to take long walks in empty streets on on mostly empty trails, often with a view of the bay, helping to keep us grounded and sane.

We have ample access to technology that allowed us not only to work but to stay in touch with family and friends.

It would be unseemly to be less than grateful that we were able to weather this crisis relatively unscathed.

Similarly, the unpleasant political situation in which we find ourselves has not affected us directly. We are lucky enough not to be specific targets of the varieties of hate, both personal and institutional, that have manifest themselves in this country over the past few years.

Of course, what this creates is an even greater responsibility to do the right thing and support those who are less fortunate, materially and politically. I think we have done this - I hope we have done this. I know that the notion looms large in our conversations every day and is demonstrated in where we direct our time, energy, and resources.

And that is what I am most grateful for, in the end: the opportunity to do some good and help those who need it.

Let's all try that, okay?

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