Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Friday, December 31, 2021

Lather, rinse, repeat

So, as I tried to think about an end-of-year post for 2021, all that came to me is recycling last year's post, including the banner, to wit:

It seems that in many ways, 2021 was just a reply of 2020, innit? We're still battling the Virus  and the Republicans still seem determined to pull the country into fascism.

At the college, the Interim President thing has been a slog rather than a romp. I think we have done some good stuff, but the ever-changing posture in response to the virus and the struggles with our computer system transition project and the increase in personnel issues as folks become more and more exhausted and the recent weather-related troubles (floods and freezing) have certainly rocked us on our heels. We're still standing, but I really can't say much more than that. As one of my colleagues put it, it would be nice to come to work one day and not have to be scrappy.

Still, we can try to savor the good bits that come our way. On top of this list is that the sisters came out for a visit during the socially-distanced summer, and it had been a long time since we had been together. We also managed some al fresco get-togethers with a number of old pals we hadn't seen in person for months, but only on Zoom.

Speaking of Zoom,  I met in an online game session with my Boston pals on most Wednesdays of the year, a remarkably consistent and rewarding gaming experience.

I maintained my exercise regimen for most of the year, even though I was thrown off my pace by a broken wrist. I've completed a zillion crossword puzzles and read a few books, some of them even good. I got some new tattoos and bid farewell to my favorite ink artist; I worked on some art projects and am a bit closer to having a consistent creative practice of my own.

Selkie didn't get sick from eating almonds or pistachio shells or anything else that requires the liberal application of Benjamins to cure; for a 19-going-on-20-year-old cat, he's doing pretty well.

And of course, I still get to share every day of my life with Coco the Wonder Wife, who has done mighty work all year on her counseling master's degree and in re-upping her massage license.

Clockwise from upper left: wearing the my hat that she hates and looking totally cute; 
soaking up the sun that she loves with the cat that she loves; frolicking in the frosty air;  
prodigious and prolific pandemic puzzler.

So I guess, all things considered, I'll move forward into 2022 trying, as the song says, to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Not thinking that there won't be adversity and struggle and hard work, but rather knowing that we can face it all with hope.

I am going to buy this here because this guy is great.

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