Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Meet the Ofs

So, some time ago, I got myself a life-size replica of the Venus of Willendorf. There were a few different motivations for this choice of decoration for my desk, but let's just say I got it because Walaka. In any case, it was a fine addition to the somewhat eclectic decor of the home office.

It was all good, but I thought perhaps Venus was a bit lonely and could use a companion. And who better to join the Venus of Willendorf than the Golem of Prague:

Of course, the two actually have nothing in common besides a middle name, but that was good enough for me. I have had as much passing interest in Golem stories as in paleolithic art, so it made some sort of sense.

And let me tell you, getting the Venus was a lot easier than finding a Golem! There's a jillion places selling Willendorf stuff online, and although I could find stories about Golem statues sold in Prague all over the web, it took about a year of waiting and checking until some Czech artisan actually put his stuff on Etsy where I could get at it.

There were a couple of bonuses in the package - a nice handwritten postcard was enclosed in the box, and some pages from a Czech culinary magazine were used as the packing material. Sweet!

Now we're one happy little band of co-workers, Venus, the Golem, and me. (Which sounds like it could be a great sitcom, if you ask me.)

And of course at this time of year in the office we celebrate all the holidays, so

Happy Yule! Happy Hanukkah!


Richard said...

"Our mad dream is only half realized. Alone you have created the man, now together we will create...his mate!!!" -- Dr. Pretorius, The Bride of Frankenstein

Richard said...

Really, though, the statues are both lovely, and the pairing is genuinely blowing my mind with thoughts of a sequel to The Golem featuring his Clay Bride. I didn't ever know I wanted to see that story until just now.