Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Monday, December 7, 2020

stuff happens


So, a few months ago I posted about starting a new adventure by starting law school.

Then, a few weeks ago, I posted about a new opportunity at work, becoming Interim President for 18 months or so.

Well, as much as I enjoy undertaking a heroic effort, I am realizing that these two endeavors may not be entirely compatible. 

Even now, just shadowing my current president in her last days before retirement, my time commitment to work is increasing enormously. As I look forward to next year, the understanding that the college is not going to replace my VP position (we are going to try to get through the interimcy with some re-org and a little additional admin support) is starting to sink in. I am going to be a busy boy.

Hoping that future-Walter, looking back from retirement, won't be too mad at me, I am pulling the plug on law school. For both personal and professional reasons, for my sake and the college's, I need to go all-in on making the interim presidency work as effectively as possible, without the sizable distraction of law school.

Looking at what's on the menu but not yet on my plate, I don't think I'll be wanting for intellectual challenge in the days to come. I also have my eyes on some position-specific professional development opportunities that would dovetail more smoothly with my new job and will be more useful in the shorter term, if not in my retirement days.

So, despite the old admontition about horses and streams, I think this is the best idea right now.

Once again, wish me luck...

1 comment:

Kristina Crow said...

I can imagine its a bummer to put law school on hold for now, but i am sure you will do a great job in your new position! Good luck!