Superman never made any money for saving the world from Solomon Grundy

Sunday, December 25, 2022

INB 2022

Well, it's December 25, so once again we bring out the apples and rainbows and celebrate Isaac Newton's Birthday! (YMMV)

We had some sort of arctic blast/bomb cyclone/winter storm/cold snap meteorological event over the past week, but it ended just in time for the holiday: temps rose from highs in the teens into the low fifties, the rain came, and ten inches of snow disappeared in a few hours. Gotta love the Pacific Northwest weather, eh? Happy (wet) holidays!

You may recall that last year and the year before that and the year before that, Godzilla movies were the centerpiece of our holiday festivities. Well, we have run out of affordable/available Godzilla movies (the only ones not in the collection are the rarities) so we have moved to a parallel track.

When I was a kid, I loved what we called in the dialect "monstah movies". I like this as a term of art, because it distinguishes from the Japanese kaiju movies (which have a vernacular and tradition all their own) those typically American (and occasionally British) films about resurrected dinosaurs or  giant creatures (usually the result of Science Gone Wrong) wreaking havoc on the landscape, with the plucky Hero (generally accompanied by The Scientist and The Girl) struggling to contain and then terminate the threat. Nothing better on a rainy afternoon.

Unfortunately, there's no Criterion Collection of Monster Movies - or any other decent collection, for that matter - probably something to do with all them coming from different studios and having different rights-holders and whatnot. In any case, thanks to the modern miracle of streaming video, here's what's on offer today:

(Full disclosure: The Fly is not actually in the category of Monster Movie, since it does not involve an oversized creature, but rather a man who transforms into something horrible. But Coco really wanted to see it, so despite my obsessive-compulsive tendencies, we allowed it. BTW, this will be the original 50s version, not the Jeff Goldblum one.)

So, whether you are singing carols or lighting candles or burning logs or taking astronomical readings or perish forbid watching Monster Movies, I hope your holiday is everything you want it to be!

Season's Greetings!


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